Experience a heart-pumping and thrilling tale of suspense!
Two New York Times bestselling writers merge their characters and worlds in 'The Portal.' John Lescroart revisits the chaos of his legal thriller, Guilt, while M. J. Rose investigates Dr Morgan Snow from The Halo Effect for a combination that highlights the best of both of their works.
Dr Snow learns during her latest therapy session with Lucy Delrey that Lucy feels no emotion whatsoever when she destroys someone. Snow does not know whether to believe her or not, since this seems dramatically out of character for her client. She knows that Lucy is searching for someone from her childhood and wonders if finding him will help her patient...or make things much worse. When Lucy finally tracks him down, she has a plan that he clearly is not expecting.
Originally published in THRILLER (2006), edited by No. 1 New York Times bestselling author James Patterson.