Daughter of a murderer.
Duchess of Brittany.
The future Queen of England.
Joanna of Navarre knows her place in society. And defies it. Forthright, unemotional and politically minded, she is more than a match for the men in the court of Brittany. And when she inherits control of her lands after her husband's death, it's a testament to her intellect and loyal duty.
Then comes an unexpected proposal — marriage to Henry IV, King of England. The price? Abandoning her homeland, leaving her children, and sacrificing her independence.
Henry's hold on the crown is unsteady and war is brewing. Crossing the channel is a dangerous prospect. If Joanna's pride will allow it, this could be a chance to unite two nations.
But pride comes before a fall, and there are many who conspire to watch Joanna tumble from the English throne...